Year: 2019

Woman setting annual goals

7 Smart Tips for Successful Goal Setting & Planning for Moms

What does successful goal setting and planning mean to you? Not sure? How do you set and plan goals? For some moms, it looks like this…Write a list of goals, dream, set it aside and forget about it for a while. After a few weeks remind yourself of the goals you want to achieve but feel bad because you haven’t started, set it aside out of guilt. Goals to the back burner, again. Rinse and repeat. Does this sound familiar? It’s a common cycle Read more…

simple christmas holiday

Simplifying Christmas: 11 Approaches to a Stress-Free Holiday

Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. A season of joy and celebration. But for some, this time of year brings more stress than joy. It’s understandable considering how much there is to do during the holiday season. The decorating, the shopping, the entertaining, the meal planning, the cooking, the baking, the organizing (if you have the time), gift wrapping, getting the Christmas cards in the mail on time and oh, the cleaning too (lots of it!). Read more…

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