
Hi, I’m Melanie. I’m the woman behind Mommy Life Strategies. Here you will discover ways to manage your time more efficiently, how to create positive daily habits that stick, mindset exercises that energize, and health & wellness tips that work even for the busiest moms.
goal planner in pink workspace

2020 PowerSheets: A Quick Guide to Intentional Goal Planning

If you’re reading this, it’s already the new year. There’s a whole twelve months ahead of you, what are you going to do with it? Maybe you’ve been thinking about your goals but unclear how you’ll achieve them. Maybe you’re lacking confidence because traditional goal setting didn’t work for you in the past. For many people, goal setting is intimidating and triggers fear. Why? Because traditional goal setting  Read more…

Woman setting annual goals

7 Smart Tips for Successful Goal Setting & Planning for Moms

What does successful goal setting and planning mean to you? Not sure? How do you set and plan goals? For some moms, it looks like this…Write a list of goals, dream, set it aside and forget about it for a while. After a few weeks remind yourself of the goals you want to achieve but feel bad because you haven’t started, set it aside out of guilt. Goals to the back burner, again. Rinse and repeat. Does this sound familiar? It’s a common cycle Read more…

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